造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【turn the tables造句】内容,供您参考。
1、MDB2_Schema will read and parse the XML definitions, and turn them into actual database tables, fields and records.(MDB2_Schema将读取并解析xml定义,并将其转换为实际的数据库表、字段和记录。)
2、Of course, the nicknames in turn refer to the source tables.(当然,昵称又引用源表。)
3、people from the other tables had gone to bed: in the sudden silence we distinctly heard the deep roar of a serac, like the bones of a giant trying in vain to turn over in his bed of rock.(坐在别的桌子边上的那些人都去睡觉了:突然这一沉静下来,我们清楚地听到冰柱低沉的哄叫声,冰柱像个巨大的骨头徒劳地想在岩石层上滚动。)
4、Raynor will seldom plan things out in very much depth, but he has an excellent ability to improvise and turn the tables in a situation by using whatever he has at hand.(雷诺并不会事先订立多么详细的计划,但是他的随机应变能力很强,而且经常能够利用一切条件然后翻盘。)
5、With the Olimpico outfit facing a tricky trip to Palermo this afternoon and Fiorentina visiting already relegated Treviso, the tables could turn again.(奥林匹克的球队将要面对机警的帕勒莫而佛罗伦萨面对的却是已经降级的特瑞维索,所以积分榜可能会发生变化。)
6、turn the tables: This talent no longer generates threat when it triggers.(翻盘(扭转局势):这个天赋在触发的时候将不再产生威胁。(个人觉得这个…=没有))
7、We would fail unless we could turn the tables this time.(除非我们这回能扭转局势否则我们就失败了。)
8、It's useless of grousing me in such a situation, let's do something to turn the tables.(现在这个情形埋怨我也没用,我们一起来扭转局面吧。)
9、Now turn your attention to the implementation of the DB2 database objects (such as, schema, tables, indexes, and stored procedures) and the application interface to these objects.(现在来看看DB2数据库对象(比如模式、表、索引和存储过程)的实现以及这些对象的应用程序接口。)
10、Eclipses bring dramatic news, but keep in mind that even sudden reversals can now be used to turn the tables in your favor if you stay alert.(月食带来戏剧性的消息,但是注意,如果你能保持警惕,即使是突然的逆转现在也可以用来作为对你的利好。)
11、Even so, with your razor sharp mind and get up and go, if this did happen, you'll turn the tables to your favor soon.(即便如此,你的头脑和剡起床去,如果这确实发生,您可以把您的表赞成很快。)
12、It is not rare to see Federer be completely out of the point, then suddenly turn the tables at whim and hit a winner.(经常会发生这样的情况,你看着觉得这一分他已经彻底没戏了,突然他就反戈一击,一个致胜球让你目瞪口呆。)
13、Well, now it's your chance to turn the tables, picnic and otherwise, on these summertime pests.(好吧,现在是你为这些夏季昆虫敞开餐桌的时候。)
14、We still have a chance to turn the tables on them at the last minute.(我们仍然有机会在最后关头扭转局势。)
15、South Asians turn them into shops by cutting open the front and adding tables for selling goods stored in the back.(南亚人将它的前面切开并在后面储存货物放入存有物品的桌子,将其改成了商店。)
16、Providers and content developers can already directly access end users, so operators have to turn the tables and prove their usefulness to continue to survive.(服务提供商和内容开发商已经可以直接访问最终用户,因此运营商不得不迎难而上并证明其作用,才能继续生存。)
17、turn the tables:(35pts) You have a 5/10/15% chance of reflecting physical effects back on the attacker.(扭转局面:你有5/10/15%的机会将物理伤害效果反弹给攻击者。)
18、A smoothly flowing kitchen allows us to turn the tables quicker and make more money sooner.(厨房诸项如果行云流水,则我们可以更快地摆放桌子,更快地赚到更多的钱。)
19、Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, based in Jersey in the Channel Islands, decided that their most photographed primate should turn the tables and become cameraman for the day.(基于在英吉利海峡群岛的泽西岛上发生的这一幕,德雷尔野生生物保护信托基金决定,这位灵长类摄影高手应该当那天的摄影师。)
20、" When somebody refuses to repay a loan, I turn the tables by requesting one myself," she says.(“当有人拒绝偿还贷款时,我会自己提出要求,扭转局面。”她说。)
21、When you're in the hot seat, there's a good chance your interviewer will turn the tables at some point and ask, "Do you have any questions for me?"(当面试官问完问题后,他可能会转而问你:“你有没有什么问题要问我呢?”)
22、The value of the register in turn determines what types of refresh deferred materialized query tables will be used during query optimization.(注册表的值又确定在查询优化期间将使用何种类型的刷新延迟物化查询表。)
23、A hopeful, optimistic outlook is probably something you would advise to someone else in your situation, so why not turn the tables and try it yourself.(一个充满希望的,乐观的看法可能是当别人处在你的境地时,你对别人的建议,所以为什么不转转局势在你自己身上试试。)
24、Inevitably, they turn the tables and ask me about my own relationship status.(不可避免地,他们也会反过来问我的感情状况。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。