

2022-05-03 来源:爱够旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Oxygen is essential for the metabolic process known as cell respiration that allows cells to efficiently harvest energy from organic food.(氧气在细胞呼吸的新陈代谢过程中是必不可少的,它能使细胞有效地从有机食物中获取能量。)

2、We live with the rhythms of our own heartbeat and respiration and the more subtle rhythms of metabolic and brain wave activity.(在我们生命的过程中,我们在体验着自身心跳与呼吸的节奏,甚至新陈代谢与脑电波活动等更细微的律动。)

3、Increased photosynthesis will use up carbon dioxide; increased respiration produces more of it.(增强的光合作用将减少二氧化碳浓度,而增强的呼吸作用则具有相反作用。)

4、Their physiological state, as measured by skin temperature, heart rate and respiration, also fell after exposure to the tears.(并且通过测量,闻吸眼泪者的皮肤温度、心率、呼吸也下降了。)

5、Oxygen drives the process of respiration, which provides our cells with energy.(氧气驱动着呼吸过程,给我们的细胞提供能量。)

6、To better understand breathing during sleep, it is, however, helpful to first understand how respiration works in general.(然而,为了更好地理解睡眠中的呼吸,首先了解呼吸的一般工作原理是有帮助的。)

7、It is natural to it to be happy. It seems as though its respiration were made of hope.(她觉得幸福是件很自然的事,好象她的呼吸就是希望。)

8、respiration provides a bigger energy kick.(呼吸作用能够提供更多的能量。)

9、“The global soil-respiration flux is changing,” said Bond-Lamberty.(邦德·兰姆伯蒂说,“地球土壤呼吸量正在变化。”)

10、She was given artificial respiration and cardiac massage.(她接受了人工呼吸和心脏按摩。)

11、The system monitors subtle changes in seven streams of real-time data, such as respiration, heart rate and blood pressure.(系统监测七组实时数据流的细微变化,比如呼吸、心率和血压。)

12、Film analysis of the infant's responses, heart and respiration rate monitors, and nonnutritive sucking devices are used as effective tools in understanding infant perception.(婴儿反应的胶片分析、心率和呼吸速率监测器以及非营养性吸吮装置是理解婴儿感知的有效工具。)

13、When you compress the diaphragm and ribs, full respiration cannot take place, and the blood flow is slowed to your brain and extremities.(当您压缩隔膜和肋骨时,充分的呼吸作用不能发生,并且血液流经您的大脑和四肢的速度会减慢。)

14、respiration and sensations will help in two ways.(观察呼吸和感受给予我两种帮助。)

15、The planet Mercury, which rules Gemini, has always been associated with respiration, the brain, and the entire nervous system.(双子座的守护星水星,与呼吸相关的系统、大脑以及整个神经系统有着密切的联系。)

16、Blood pressure and respiration are also recorded.(血压和呼吸也做了记录。)

17、For most fruits, the respiration rate slows down after the initial growth stage and the fruit ripens slowly.(对于大多数水果来说,在最初的成长阶段呼吸作用减弱,成熟也较为缓慢。)

18、This process is called respiration.(这个过程叫做呼吸作用。)

19、Heat of respiration generated by all fresh fruits and vegetables.(所有的新鲜果蔬都会产生的呼吸热。)

20、Increasing or decreasing respiration - When you breathe more rapidly, you blow out more carbon dioxide.(增加或减少呼吸—当你呼吸更急促,你就呼出更多的二氧化碳。)

21、his respiration grew fainter throughout the day.(一天当中,他的呼吸越来越微弱。)

22、With less stress, lower blood pressure, slower respiration, slower metabolism, and released muscle tension follows.(压力越小,血压越低、呼吸越慢、代谢越慢,然后肌肉随之放松。)

23、The delicate projections may aid, like snorkels, in respiration.(卵上微小的突起物也许像通气管一样帮助呼吸。)

24、The body loses moisture through perspiration as well as through respiration (think of your breath fogging a window).(人体通过出汗和呼吸(想象你向窗户上哈气的样子)来排出水分。)

25、There are many other changes that affect respiration when asleep.(还有许多其他的变化会影响睡眠时的呼吸。)

26、It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure.(它能增强人体新陈代谢,提升呼吸率,并升高血压。)

27、The brain sustains the elementary activities of animal survival such as respiration, adequate rest and a beating heart.(大脑维持着动物生存的基本活动,如呼吸、充足的休息和心跳。)

28、For centuries, prolonged absence of heartbeat and respiration were the criteria for certifying death.(几百年来,证实死亡的标准是心脏长时间不跳动且长时间没有呼吸。)

29、The medulla, for instance, is responsible for heart rate and respiration.(比如,延脑负责心率与呼吸)

30、Moreover, a little dog had an ablated heart and lungs, so it lived due to respiration and blood circulation of a big dog.(除此之外,小狗被切除了心脏和肺,要依靠大狗的呼吸系统和血液循环系统。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


