golden eagle的例句是:用作名词(n.)He was as motionless as a corpse, while his thoughts wallowed on the earth and soared, now like the hydra, now like the eagle.一动不动,就象死尸一样,这时,他的思潮在地下打滚又腾空,有时象七头蛇,有时象鹰鹫。golden eagle的英英释义是Noun:large eagle of mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere having a golden-brown head and neck。golden eagle的读音是英['ɡəʊldən'iːɡl];美['ɡoʊldən'iːɡəl]。
一、英英释义点此查看golden eagle的详细内容
1. golden eagle什么意思
1. 鹫:在草原上空有鹫(goldeneagle)、草原猎鹰(prairie falcon)、山地蓝知更鸟(mountain bluebird)盘旋. 化石 有着相当丰富种类的化石. 鱼类有鲨鱼、白鲟、雀鳝等. 两栖类有蛙、蝾螈等. 爬行类有蜥蜴、龟、鳄鱼等,以及恐龙. 另外还有鸟类和哺动物的化石发现.
2. golden eagle的翻译
2. 金雕:鹰鹫渐渐多了起来:又一只锈鹰栖在电线杆上,两只金雕(GoldenEagle)的幼鸟在山脊上空翱翔,还有一只美国国徽上的白头鹰(BaldEagle)停在树上,傲视四方.
He was as motionless as a corpse, while his thoughts wallowed on the earth and soared, now like the hydra, now like the eagle.
golden eagle的相关临近词