
英语考试作文-托福写作task2高分范文 学生都应学习历史


托福写作task2高分范文 学生都应学习历

托福写作一共分为独立任务和综合任务两个task,其中考察听力与阅读中信息整合能力的是task1,考察独立表达个人观点的是task2。对于托福写作task2,我们要多加借鉴参考高分范文案例,积累其中比较优秀的词句表达,然后进行仿写练习与反思。下面我们来看一篇托福写作task2高分范文:Do you agree or disagree with the statement?The student should be required to take history courses in the university no matter what their field of study is.

University courses lay a very solid academic foundation for the future development of college students. Facing the great selections of these courses, some people say that, history classes should be made compulsory for college students, for the reason that they could be more familiar with the advancement and evolution of human society. I disagree. I believe, despite minor merits, asking student of all majors

to attend history classes would cause problems.

History courses would put more academic pressure on students. College students have already had to study many theory and professional subjects related to their majors and their schedule is very tight. For example, a medical student is not only obliged to finish his professional papers for credit, but he also needs to find the opportunity to get clinical experience. His load is so heavy that he could not afford to take any irrelevant courses, such as history. In this case, schools should not add this course, because students would worry whether they could finish their homework on time and how they would pass final examinations.

A required history course would lead to unnecessary cost for parents and students. To guarantee the quality of lecturing, colleges have to hire talented and senior history professors and experts, such as those from the best-known universities or history research institutes. This would increase the cost of schooling. Normally, a lecture given by a famous history professor costs over 1,000 dollars. These costs would be reflected in the tuition fee, and would deprive many underprivileged students of an opportunity for education.

Admittedly, taking history courses does have its

merits. Students could learn to prevent repeating the mistakes of the past. For instance, they would learn about the cause of the world wars and other bloody battles that claimed the lives of millions. Students could also gain a better understanding of current issues by studying historical events. For example, by studying the American Revolution a student could be enlightened on the current world democracy­­. However, this knowledge could be acquired by other method other than required courses. History seminars, TV documentaries and books are all available options for student to learn about history.

In conclusion, although there are some small benefits to requiring a history course, making every college student take a history course would overburdened the students both academically and financially. In addition, the small advantage that a required history course would provide can be obtained other ways.

以上就是关于The student should be required to take history courses in the university no matter what their field of study is.的托福写作task2高分范文分享,各位TOEFLer需要注意的是托福写作水平与分数的提高功夫在平时,大家千万不要盲目死记硬背高分范文或模版,而是应该合理借鉴其中值得仿写的部分,做好练习才是重中之重。
