专利名称:Phospholipase A2 inhibitors and their use in
treating neurological injury and disease
发明人:Edward A. Dennis,Daren Stephens,Samuel
David,Ruben Lopez-Vales,AthenaKalyvas,George Kokotos,ViolettaConstantinou-Kokotou,EfrosiniBarbayianni,Victoria Magrioti
摘要:Phospholipase A(PLA) forms are expressed in spinal cord whose inhibitioninduces a potent antihyperalgesia. PLAinhibitor compounds are provided that include acommon motif consisting of a 2-oxoamide with a hydrocarbon tail and a four carbontether. The compounds block Group IVA calcium dependent PLA(cPLA) and/or Group VIAcalcium independent PLA(iPLA) and/or Group V secreted PLA(sPLA). Pharmaceuticalcompositions of compounds having cPLAinhibitory activity (but not iPLAor sPLAinhibitoryactivity) are useful in treating multiple sclerosis, while compositions of compounds havingsPLAinhibitory activity (as well as iPLAand CPLAactivity) are useful in treating spinal cordinjuries (with related functional recovery).
申请人:Edward A. Dennis,Daren Stephens,Samuel David,Ruben Lopez-Vales,AthenaKalyvas,George Kokotos,Violetta Constantinou-Kokotou,Efrosini Barbayianni,VictoriaMagrioti
地址:La Jolla CA US,Morrisville NC US,Dorval CA,Catalonia ES,Laval CA,AthensGR,Athens GR,Athens GR,Athens GR
代理机构:DLA Piper LLP (US)