专利名称:SILICONE-POLYESTER COMPOSITION发明人:Thomas Bekemeier,Lucas Chou,Zhihua
Liu,Mari Wakita,Gary Wieber,Gerald
Witucki,Xiaojun Xiang,Fang Zhang,Jiayin Zhu
摘要:A silicone-polyester composition and a process of forming a silicone-polyestercomposition are provided. The silicone part of the silicone-polyester compositioncontains Tand Q units and is free of D units. A polyester precursor and a silicone
precursor are mixed and reacted together so as to form a silicone-polyester compositionwherein the silicone part contains T, Q units and optionally Tunits. The silicone-polyestercomposition can be used to form a coating on a substrate, and the substrate is made ofaluminum, stainless steel, iron, plastics or glass.
申请人:Dow Corning Corporation,Dow Corning (China) Holding Co., Ltd.,Dow CorningTaiwan Inc.
地址:Midland MI US,Shanghai CN,Taipei TW