今天我们将继续探索英语,发现语言规律,思考语言与社会文化发展的关系,认识英语的多样性和地域性,探究科学、有效的学习方法。 (P2)
一、 内容介绍 Step 1: Analysis of the material
本课时分为两个部分。在语法部分,我们将结合本单元的语篇内容,归纳总结“构词法”的常见规律,根据构词规律推断词义,体会其表意功能,并在真实语境中正确运用构词法知识。在词汇部分,我们将学习美式英语和英式英语在拼写方式和词汇使用方面的差异,了解这两种英语的特点,关注语言发展与社会发展、文化差异之间的内在联系, 开阔视野。希望同学们在进行语言知识学习的过程中,时时思考、处处发现,不断扩充已有的知识,摸索语言规律,拓展学习方式。 (P3)
二、 新课导入 Step 2: Leading-in
Shall we begin?
Let’s play some word games.(构词法) (P4)
1.Please match one of the words in Box A with one in Box B to form a new word. (停顿约10秒)
Shall we check together? Pen friend, football, snowman, bookshop and school bag. We can combine the two words to form a new word. (P5)
2. Now please add suffixes in box B to the words in Box A to make nouns. 方框A中是一些词根,方框B中是一些后缀,请将后缀添加到对应的词根上, 组成一个名词。Have a try! (停顿约10秒)
Have you got the answers? worker, kindness, difference, honesty and achievement. If we add a prefix or a suffix to a word, we can get a new word. This is really a good way to enlarge our vocabulary. (P6)
3. This time, we are going to pick out the verbs from the box. 方框里一共有几个动词呢?(停顿约10秒)
How many? Two? Three? Or more? Actually all of them can be used as verbs. We can say rain heavily, book a ticket, park the car, water the flower, better our life改善生活 Shall we move to the last round? (P7)
What are these words short for? (停顿约10秒)
VIP is short for “very important person”. PRC is the short form of “the People’s Republic of China”. Sometimes a word is made up of the first letters of several words.
三、 知识学习 Step3: Knowledge learning
英语单词的构成有一定的规律,这种规律被称为构词法。(word formation) (P9)
Please open your books to page 17. Look at the sentences and expressions from the reading passage in activity 1. Would you please match the words in bold to the types of word formation? 请同学们说一说黑体字属于哪种构词法呢?(停顿约10秒)
Sentence a: Neither is there pine nor apple in pineapple. In the word pineapple, we combine two words pine and apple. 这种构词法叫做“合成法”。
Sentence b: We can sculpt a sculpture. We add the suffix-ure to change the verb sculpt into a noun. 这种构词法叫做“派生法”。
Sentence c: When we look out of the window and see rain, we can say “it’s raining”. 在这句话中,第一个rain是名词 ,透过窗户,我们看到雨,黑体字is raining是动词rain的进行时态。因此,我们将一个名词转化成了一个动词,we change the part of speech,这种构词法叫做“转化法”。
Health Organization世界卫生组织。 (P10)
Are there any other examples of each type in the reading passage?
Go through the passage quickly and try to find them out, please. (停顿约20秒)
Are there more examples of combining two or more words? In Paragraph 1, hamburger and eggplant. In Paragraph 2, seasick, airsick, carsick, homesick, homework, housework.
Are there more examples of adding a prefix or suffix? In Paragraph 2, we add the suffix –ing to the word paint. In Paragraph 3, we add the suffix –ly to the word hard and soft, we also add the suffix –less and –ful, then we got harmless, harmful, shameless and shameful. In the last paragraph, visible and invisible are an opposing pair, we add the prefix in-.
Are there more examples of changing the part of speech? Yes, in Paragraph 4, we change “snow” a noun to a verb.
Are there more examples of abbreviating? IT and US in Paragraph 5 are short for information technology and the United States of America. (P11)
Here is the mind map of word formation that we have found in this passage. Have you found them out? (停顿约10秒) 请同学们关注,派生法通过词缀产生的新词词义变化。 (P12)
Why should we learn word formation? It can help us have a better understanding of the meaning of a word, get to know the new words and
the most importantly, enlarge our vocabulary. Today, we are going to learn word formation together.
首先我们一起来学习合成法,合成法是把两个以上的独立且语义不同的单词合成一个新词,构词方法较灵活。合成词的意思通常可以由组成它的单词的词义推测出来。For example, combine news and paper, and we will get newspaper. Similarly, we will get haircut.
除了合成名词,我们还可以合成动词。Such as “sleepwalk”梦游 “overlook” “忽视”或“俯视”。
当然,我们还可以合成形容词。Such as “good-looking”, “kind-hearted”.
同学们,你们可能有这样的疑问,合成词到底如何组合呢? (P13)
我们以合成名词为例,合成名词的组合方式非常灵活,名词和名词可以组合成合成名词,例如weekend;名词和动词组合,如daybreak;名词和动名词组合,如handwriting;名词和及物动词加上er或or,如pain-killer;名词、介词和名词,如mother-in-law;动词和名词组合成,如typewriter;动名词和名词组合,如reading-room;形容词和名词组合,如freshman; 副词和动词组合,如outlook; 介词和名词组合,如afterbrain等等。
我们还是用合成名词举例,有的合成词直接连接在一起,有的合成词之间用连字符连接,由两个单词组成新的概念时,需要分开书写。希望同学们在学习的过程中注意观察和积累。 (P15)
接下来,我们一起来学习派生法,派生法是在词根上加前缀或后缀,构成新词。加在前面的词缀叫前缀(prefix),加在后面的词缀叫后缀(suffix)。前缀和后缀有一定的含义和功能,有助于推测新词的词义。常见的前缀有dis-它表示“不”,例如disagree,dislike。前缀im-in-也表示“不”,例如impossible,inexpensive。前缀inter-表示“在……之间,相互”,例如international意为国际的,interconnect意为互相联系。前缀mis-表示“错误地”,例如mislead,misunderstand。前缀non-表示“不,非”,例如non-nuclear,nonsmoker。前缀pre-表示“在……之前”,例如preschool,preview。前缀re-表示“再,重新”,例如retell,rewrite。前缀un-表示“不”,例如unable,unhappy。 (P16)
常见的后缀有以下的这些,请同学们默读。(停顿约20秒)What does “mouthful” mean? It means an amount of food or drink that you fill or put in your mouth at one time.满口的 (P17)
常见的形容词后缀有以下这些,请同学们默读这些词缀和例子。(停顿约10秒) (P19)
常见的动词后缀有哪些呢?-en,- fy,-ize/-ise (P20)
下面,我们一起来学习转化法,转化法把一种词性转化为另一种词性,词形不变。转化后的词义可以通过原词义推断得出。例如,动词可以转化成名词,let’s talk about it. 此处的talk是动词交谈的意思。而I think we’d better finish the talk now. 这句话中的talk是名词谈话的意思。既然动词可以转化成名词,那么名词也可以转化成动词,例如She gave me a glass of water. You should water the flowers twice a week. 第一句话中的water是名词,第二句中的water是动词给…浇水的意思。形容词是否也可以转化呢?(停顿约5秒) 答案是肯定的。形容词可以转化成名词,例如She is wearing a black dress. The girl in black is very beautiful. 第一句话中的black指黑色的,第二句的black是黑色。当然形容词也可以转化为动词,例如Tom is a brave man.这句话中的brave表示勇敢的 He always braves the difficulties in life.这句话中的brave是勇敢面对的意思。 (P21)
最后,我们来说一说缩写,缩写是指用单词或短语的部分内容指代整体。可以是首字母的缩写ASAP 指as soon as possible,WTO是
World Trade Organization世贸组织的缩写,也可以是单词截短,例advertisement 可以用 ad代替,laboratory 截短后变成lab。 After learning this period, I am sure that you will know the significance of word formation. But another thing we have to know is that there are many varieties of English in the world. And the main two varieties are American English and British English. To learn English well, we have to know the differences between them. What are the differences? (P22)
Please look at the pictures. Do you know which of the words belong to the American English and which of them belong to British English? 请同学们辨别美式英语和英式英语。(停顿约10秒)
The first word in each picture belongs to American English and the other one is British. As you can see, American English and British English are different in vocabulary and spelling. In the United States, people say “subway”, while in UK, it is underground. In UK, theater is spelt with the ending “-re”, while in the USA, people change the“-re” spelling to “-er”. Please keep them in mind. (P23)
Actually there are differences between American English and British English mainly in four aspects. Spelling, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. For example, American English omits the “u” in colour, behavior, etc, and change the ending “-se” to“-ze”; The Americans say
“garbage”, while the British say “rubbish”; In the United States, it is “cell phone”, while in UK, it is called “mobile phone”; The Americans say |ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ|, for the British, they say|ˈɪntrəstɪŋ|, in America, it is |dæns|, however it is |da:ns| in UK. The Americans usually say on the weekend, and the British say at the weekend. In the United States, they say “Do you have…” ,while in UK, people say “Have you got…?”
It doesn’t matter if you are speaking American English or British English, it is communication that counts. 四、 语言操练 Step 4:Language practice (P24)
Now we are going to do some exercises to see if you have mastered what we have learnt today. (P25)
Please open your books to Page 17. Let’s complete the passage with the help of word formation. Here we go! (停顿约40秒) Have you finished? Let’s check your answers.
The first one, penfriend, the second, well-known他们是合成词,the third one, incorrect, the fourth, unhappy, the fifth, improvement通过派生法加上了前缀和后缀. Number 6, calm这里由动词转化成了形容词, number 7 present, 由名词转化成动词,number 8, WTO, and the last one, ASAP这两个是缩写。
Have you had a better understanding of word formation after reading
the passage?
Do you want to do more exercises? Come on, practice makes perfect. (P26)
Would you please fill in the blanks according to the words or the Chinese given? (停顿约30秒) Let’s check together.
1. Last month we went to Shanxi Province, where we spent a week doing some sightseeing. 这道题考查合成名词。句意:上周我们去了山西省,在那里花了一周时间观光。“sightseeing”意为“观光,游览”。 2. I’m really looking forward to the mouth-watering food at the party. 这道题考查合成形容词。句意:我特别期待聚会上馋人的食物。“mouth-watering”意为“令人馋涎欲滴的”。
3. Chinese New Year is a __________ (celebrate) marking the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring.
根据空白处之前的 a 和后面的非谓语动词 marking,可知此处应填名词 celebration。 句意为新年庆祝标志着冬季的结束,春天的开始。 4. In the 18th and 19th centuries, __________ (wealth) people travelled and collected plants, historical objects and works of art.
此处应用形容词 wealthy(富有的)作定语, 修饰名词 people。句意为在18和19世纪,富人们环游世界,收集植物、历史物品和艺术品。 5. I emptied(倒空)out my pockets but I didn’t find my keys. 6. She nursed (照顾)her daughter back to health.
动词照顾。 (P27)
Open your books to Page 18. Now let’s read a passage and please complete it with the proper form of American English and British English. (停顿约30秒)
Please check your answers. (P28-P29)
五、 实践应用Step 5: Practical application
Today we have learnt the word formation and the differences between American English and British English. We should use them in language learning. Some of my friends have come across some problems. Can you help them? (P30)
Situation 1: My teacher asked me to make a sentence using “compete, competitor, competition and competitive”. I got stuck. 老师让他用这四个词造句,我的朋友回答不上来了,你能帮助他吗?(停顿约30秒) Compete 是一个动词竞争,competitor 是名词竞争者competition是名词竞争.competitive 是形容词竞争的。So we can say I will make every effort to compete with other competitors in this competitive competition.我要尽一切努力与其他竞争对手在这个竞争激烈的竞赛中竞争。看来,弄懂词缀的含义真的非常重要。 (P31)
Situation 2: I've just received an email from my friend. He sent me some ways of learning English and said “FYI”. What does FYI mean? I am so confused. 你知道FYI的含义吗?(停顿约5秒)
Actually, FYI is used in writing to mean “for your information”供参考 这是一个缩写。 (P32)
Situation 3: To share the joy of the opening, the shop manager made an announcement that all the customers present would be presented a present. What does the shop manager mean? 你知道店铺经理在说什么吗?(停顿约5秒)
The word present can be an adj, a verb and a noun. 商场的经理宣布的是在场的每一位顾客都会被赠与一份礼物。这句话中present的含义有三个,分别是形容词在场的、动词赠送和名词礼物。这是一个词性的转化。 (P33)
Situation 4: Yesterday I said to my British friend Jenny, “Jenny, you are wearing nice pants.” Her face turned red immediately. And she went away without saying a word. What’s wrong? I just wanted to have a small talk with her.
The American’s “pants” means “underwear” in the UK. 我的朋友想夸Jenny的裤子好看,却被Jenny误解成了“内裤”的含义。 See how important it is to master the word formation and the
differences between American English and British English. Or you will make yourself confused or awkward. (P34)
六、课后作业 Step 6: Homework
For today’s homework, come up with words of each type as many as possible and list them on a piece of paper. Share your list with your classmates to learn more about word formation. Then, surf the Internet and get to know more American words and their British equivalents. (P35) 结束语
While learning the rules, we have to pay attention to the development of the English language. It has something to do with the culture. Roman was not built in a day. Wish you a bright future in the language leaning and your life.
Now It's time to bring my class to a close. Thank you for your attention. This is Li Lu, bidding you goodbye and good luck!