

2022-10-19 来源:爱够旅游网

八年级英语暑假生活指导答案 第①课:暑假计划。 第②课:生活英语

a. 生活常用标志:停车场parkinglot 0麦当劳 madonaldso 小心碰头 watchyourheado 油漆未干 wetpaite。

b. 广告语:雪碧obeyyouthirst。百事可乐

askformore。飘柔洗发水startahead。耐克运动鞋 justdoito

示例:雀巢咖啡 thetasteisgre ato

c. 品牌名称:robust精力充沛的、safegu ard保护、 nice好的;漂亮的、inc line喜爱、rai d袭击、giant巨

人、younger更年轻的、nike胜利女神、legend传说、lux 勒克斯、rejoice欣喜、tide潮流。

d. 公共英语标志: car efulslip > d on\\'thando fftheflowe rsandtrees 、visitorsp leasetegis ter> don\\'t keepoffthe arass> plea seshoutthe dooraftery ou> nolitte ringo 示例:①n osmoking 禁止吸烟②safeexi t 安全出口

③quie tplease禁止喧哗。

e. 壮丽山河:1、泰山,青天河,伊犁河谷2、moun ttianzi表达方式:描写。3、 iwa nttogototi bet, ihopet hatfeelpur n, beautifu 1, holyinth ere・

f・ 美丽 家乡: my hornet own a It houg hint hecoun tryside,bu tthatdidn\\ 'tthenoise andthefast paceoflife hinkofadop fapond, hav eaclumpofg enoftenfal metimeswew gbacilluss tothemidst ghtonfire!

wehaveto climbthemo untain, som etimesmaya

lsowentaro rhalfadayt somegreenp hbiteandas

.saidthesp ringfestiv al, wewillt thegardeno untainshav festivalwh wcarmon, so ,putthepen htoffireun hinkandcau

ting, previ ously, wein earockery,


rass, wehav ethespring sethemount illmakepra ubtilis,li ofheaven,o

ainstothro cticaljoke ght,thelig therswillt

undtotheot ofindthewa eas,theblu hareofrefr rsonrememb

hermountai yhome, inth egreenpeas eshingarom eroffthebe

n,welookfo ewaywepick inyourmout aflowintoc ansoutandt


heskinonhe rmouthblow canlight!


a •英语谚语:不入虎穴,焉得虎子。事难两全。条件

状语主将从现,主过从过。yougi vehimaninc hhe\\lltak

eaamangoes tobedandto riseearly, he\\' llbehe althy, weal


thyandyouh hodoesn\\'t

elpyoursel act, heaven

ves,god\\'1 \\'llneverh

,elpthere、renopains, there\\lib eno 示 例 : ifto


uloveme, yo ushouldlov emedog・爱屋及乌。

1、时间un tilwhileo 2、地点他们是好人。走到哪儿


dputthekey othatinord osuchsoso o

orkinginth sveryhardo

wherenobod ycanfound 、 because4 、 s erthat5 、 so ・・・ thatsos osososuchs 6、句型转换:it\\ srainthey \\ restillw



efield・he\\ ' sveryoldh estillwork


ecausewhen assuchsoth atsowherio

b・ 动词:took rantohavem adearecryi ngwashange d 1、用take短语完成下列短文:t ookdown t ookalone; t akephotos; tooktrain; tookon;t ookovercon trolo

tak e2 > 示例: bema kefromjmak edosth・;lo okafter; lo okoutfor; c omefrom; co me;on o 3 > 示例: run:herun safactory.

4•只跟 todo 作宾语的:wish; want:hope: learn: deci

de;go;come :plan;agre e;



happen;pre :encourage

fer;wouldl d;change;h

urry;allow ;warn;help。只跟 doing 作宾语的:enjoy;f inishjprac ti sejkeep o doing 和 todo 皆的:like;lo ve;start;c ontinue;ha mber; try; s top; goon・ 等

7K例:forge t; remember ; try; stop; goon. c.用英语影视剧练习口语:、what\" sup?what” sthem atter?andy ou?don ” tbe silly!2 > i” mwithdon t wegivethis atry?3> you ” dbetterdo ・・•或 ithink that


te:begin;f orget;reme

从 句以及 yo ushoulddo...和 how/wha tabout? > no

matterwhat lifethowso nmylife・ 7K例:nomatterw hoyou” re, y oumustobey thematterh eworks, hef indsitdiff iculttomak eendsmeet・ 示例: 有。nomat terwhathap pends, don\" tlookback.—《拇指姑娘》。2、thatyouwon ” tgive(Dhet oldmehewou ldgotocoll egethenext year・ ② idon ” tknowifth erewillbea busanymore ・ ③nobodykn ewwhetherh ohaswonbat youwhatthe

ecouldpass tlefield3g bestceosho

theexam.④ d ame?⑤ thebo

oyouknowwh okwillshow

uldknow. (6)h edidn ” ttel

lmewhenwes tellmehowy nowswheret nowhichfi

houldmeeta ouusethene hesenewpar

gain.⑦ coul wcomputer? tscanbebou

dyouplease ⑧ noneofusk ght ⑨ doyouk

lmtheyaret alkingabou t?⑩ iaskhim

whyhishotd ogsaresopo pular.宾语从句使用规则:从句用 陈


d.基本句型解析:(l)icam eat7: lefte arly.②i” ml earningeng

lishyoulik ereading? ③ mumboughtm

eayoudomea favor? (4) isa whimcomeca llhimjim・ ⑤ itsoundsfe elterrible ・ ⑥there” sa ” remanypeo pie・


比 体会语言中的礼节:1、may ihaveone?2 、

whatapity !3、 shallim akesomecof fe, jane?do youwantany

milk?whata boutsomesu gar?wouldy

oulikesome more?ithin ktherearea fewinthatb ox.能。女口 whyn ot动词原形。

b •体会夸张手法在英语中的运用:表示〃完全不相信〃


c.体会幽默在对话中让你捧腹的魅力:1、老师你很丑。 2、童言无忌。3、sorry , iwon” tmak efaceatoth ers> itlook sugly, does n” tit?3>附加疑问句也叫反意疑问句,

课本中这样的句子有很多,在此不一一提及。 第⑤课:阅读空间

a•美文欣赏:1、truefriend shipislike theairyou> afriendwal ksinwhenth erestofthe worldwalks

therestof walkesoutc hangesyour lifeisgood inwaitingf orwhenyou ” redown, and theworldse emsdarkand empty, your tsandmakes eembrighta

foreverfri thatdarkan ndfu11. for

endliftsyo demptyworl everconfus

uupinspiri dsuddenlys edloseyour

waycomplet eneednotwo rryforever havenoend

b・情感天地: we 11, whenhef inishedrea ding,hefel tveryasham edandhehas nevermadeb illssince> mum, you” re workhard, i \\Tlhelpyo udosome > se venteenpoi ntsevenfiv edollars.看文章读问题f看文章的方式。3> hisf aceturnedt houghtfora while.努力从作者的写作意图, 写作思路入手。4、mither^ spaymen t.

c.意志品质:1、 success believedir ectsafe —sa fety;ill i llness;agr ee agreeme nt;wake f aw ake;dusted usty2> obje ctive目标;方向障碍物尽可能地 运用猜词技巧

推测它们的含义,然后再去查阅字典。构词 法3、setar

rangereali ze人生没有目标将一事无成。 failur eisthemoth erofsucces s.


a. : 1、《ku ngfupanda》2、called, m aster, from thenon, har d 序数词。3> itm ademehappy 观后感如下,答


f ilmrepor to fkungfup andaisawaf i lineal ledk ungfupanda duringthes ummerisawa ssetintheu sainleadin ryaboutisl u,nobodyth e,hegoesto omthenon, h ntheendheb atshisenem atforevery eit8outoft en.

b. :1、amy,、telep hone,、ther e” relotsof、理由 见

gcharacter azyandfat. inkshecand atempletol ishardlife ecomesarea y,hisforme one,especi

isapandaca hisdreamis omakehisdr

lied ” sasto tobeakungf eamcometru

amaster. earniffrom


heworkshar dlaterandi lkungfumas rbrotherta allyforchi

teranddefe ifilmisgre ldren. igiv


deara my:

thewi nterisisal ongtimesin cewecommun icatedwith eachotherl ingstonesw

asttime. th hichpresso oknowhow\\


emissforyo nmeandifee sgoingwith

ulikesgrow lthatican\\ you, iamfin


eandfeelha ppy

howar eyougoing?areyouallo k, too?plea se, letmekn ow.

wishy ouhappyeve ryday! your classmatex xx classxxg radexxx

c . :1、betty2、outgoing, goodlookin g3、friendl y,sing4、sh ecanhelpme mystudy, su cnas、alife withoutafr iendisalif ewithoutas un•作文女口下, 答案不 唯一,范例


mybestfri end

to day , iwilltell yousome thi ngaboutmyb estnameisi sl2yearsol nternetand ithhasagoo helpmewith

dandsheisv isfriendly dlooking, a myyoucanse

erylikessu tome, soshe ndshesings e,sheisrea

rffingthei getsalongw veryalways llyihopewe

canbebestf riendsfore ver!


计划项目实现指数★困难解决方案以后计划 读书★★★生词多加练习加强理解记忆

看电影★★★生词多加练习加强视觉反应力 学歌曲★★★发音多加练习多朗读英语
