1. “Life is like riding a bicycle – to keep your balance, you must keep moving.“ (人生就像骑自行车一样,要保持平衡,就得不停前行。)
2. “Ride your bike, feel the wind on your face, and let your worries disappear behind you.“ (骑上自行车,感受风在脸上拂过,让烦恼在你身后消失。)
3. “Two wheels, endless possibilities. Take a ride and explore the world around you.“ (两个轮子,无尽可能。骑上车,探索你周围的世界。)
4. “Pedal your way to a healthier lifestyle. Every revolution brings you closer to vitality.“ (踩动脚踏板,迈向更健康的生活方式。每一次转动都让你更接近活力。)
5. “Cycling is not just exercise, it’s a way of life. Embrace the freedom, joy, and adventures it brings.“ (骑行不仅是锻炼,更是一种生活方式。拥抱它带来的自由、快乐和冒险。)
6. “Get on your bike and let the road guide you. Discover new paths, beautiful scenery, and the joy of the journey.“ (骑上自行车,让道路引领你。发现新路径、美丽的风景和旅途的快乐。)
7. “Pedal, breathe, and let your worries fade away. Cycling is therapy for the body and soul.“ (踏踏车,深呼吸,让烦恼随风而逝。骑行是身心的疗愈。)