实用标准文案下部结构substructure 桥墩pier墩身pier body 墩帽pier cap, pier coping
台帽abutment cap, abutment coping 盖梁bent cap 又称“帽梁” 。
重力式 [桥 ] 墩 gravity pier 实体 [桥 ]墩 solid pier 空心 [桥 ]墩 hollow pier
柱式 [桥 ]墩 column pier, shaft pier
单柱式 [桥 ] 墩 single-columned pier, single shaft pier 双柱式 [桥 ] 墩 two-columned pier, two shaft pier
排架桩墩pile-bent pier 丫形 [桥 ]墩 Y-shaped pier 柔性墩flexible pier
制动墩braking pier, abutment pier
单向推力墩single direction thrusted pier 抗撞墩anti-collision pier
锚墩anchor pier 辅助墩auxiliary pier 破冰体ice apron
防震挡块anti-knock block, restrain block 桥台abutment 台身abutment body 前墙front wall 又称“胸墙” 。 翼墙wing wall 又称“耳墙” 。 U 形桥台U-abutment
八字形桥台flare wing-walled abutment 一字形桥台head wall abutment
T 形桥台T-abutment 箱形桥台box type abutment 拱形桥台arched abutment 重力式桥台gravity abutment 埋置式桥台buried abutment
扶壁式桥台counterfort abutment, buttressed abutment 衡重式桥台weight-balanced abutment
锚碇板式桥台anchored bulkhead abutment 支撑式桥台supported type abutment 又称“轻型桥台” 。
组合式桥台composite abutment
[ 桥 ]台后回填back filling behind abutment 桥梁基础bridge foundation 浅基础shallow foundation 深基础deep foundation 明挖基础open cut foundation 扩大基础spread foundation 沉井基础open caisson foundation 沉井刃脚caisson cutting edge
气压沉箱基础pneumatic caisson foundation 管柱基础colonnade foundation
双壁钢围堰钻孔桩基础double-walled steel cofferdam and bored pile foundation 墩式基础pier-foundation
桩基础pile foundation
排架桩基础pile-bent foundation
高承台桩基础high-rise platform pile foundation 桩 pile
单桩individual pile, single pile
群桩pile group 又称“桩群” 。
斜桩battered pile, raked pile 锚桩anchor pile 主桩key pile 预制桩precast pile
[ 钢筋 ] 混凝土桩concrete pile
预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pile 木桩timber pile 钢桩steel pile 钢管桩steel pipe pile 混凝土管桩concrete pipe pile 钻孔桩bored pile
就地灌注桩cast-in-situ pile
沉管灌注桩tube-sinking cast-in-situ pile 板桩sheet pile 微型桩mini-pile 又称“小型桩” 。 扩底桩under-reamed pile 支挡桩soldier pile 抗滑桩anti-slide pile 排土桩displacement pile 非排土桩non-displacement pile 摩擦桩friction pile 支承桩bearing pile 嵌岩桩socketed pile
挖孔桩cast-in-situ pile by excavation 打入桩driven pile
承台bearing platform, pile cap 灌浆截水墙grouted cut-off wall 灌浆帷幕grouted curtain
地下连续墙continuous slurry wall, diaphragm wall
固定支座fixed bearing
活动支座expansion bearing, movable bearing 合成橡胶支座elastomeric pad bearing 板式橡胶支座laminated rubber bearing 盆式橡胶支座pot rubber bearing
聚四氟乙烯支座polytetrafluoroethylene bearing, PTFE bearing 铅橡胶支座lead-rubber bearing
滚轴支座roller bearing 摆式支座rocker bearing 平板支座plate bearing 球形支座spherical bearing 垫块支座pad bearing
活动伸缩缝支座sliding expansion bearing 伸缩滚轴expansion roller
拉压支座tension-compression bearing 铰式支座knuckle bearing 桥梁设计bridge design
桥梁方案设计bridge conceptual design 桥梁结构设计bridge structure design 桥梁细部设计bridge detail design 荷载load
实用荷载service load 施工荷载construction load 开裂荷载cracking load 疲劳荷载fatigue load 容许荷载allowable load 破坏荷载failure load
桥梁试运行荷载test run loading for bridge 静载static load 动载dynamic load
活载live load 恒载dead load
永久荷载permanent load 可变荷载variable load 偶然荷载accidental load 非常荷载abnormal load 环境荷载environmental load
均布荷载uniform load,distributed load
等代均布荷载equivalent uniform distributed load 集中荷载concentrated load
车道荷载lane load 人群荷载pedestrian load 风荷载wind load
地震荷载earthquake load,seismic force 又称“地震力” 。 离心力centrifugal force 冲击力impact force 制动力braking force
船舶撞击力ship collision force 土压力earth pressure 冰压力ice pressure
流水压力flowing water pressure 浮力buoyancy
下拉荷载downdrag, negative friction of pile 又称“桩负摩擦力” 。
拱推力arch thrust
基础隆胀力heave force of foundation 临界压曲荷载critical buckling load 屈服破坏荷载failure load by buckling 荷载组合loading combinations 荷载效应load effect
标准车辆荷载standard truck loading
桥梁容许应力设计allowable stress design of bridge 桥梁极限状态设计limit state design of bridge
桥梁承载能力极限状态ultimate limit state of bridge carrying capacity 桥梁使用能力极限状态serviceability limit state of bridge
桥梁荷载系数设计法load factor design method of bridge 桥梁概率极限状态设计法probabilistic limit state design method of bridge 桥梁优化设计optimum design of bridge
桥梁结构可靠度reliability of bridge structure 可靠度基准期reliability datum period 地震危险性分析seismic risk analysis 桥梁抗震设计aseismatic design of bridge 桥梁抗震稳定性aseismatic stability of bridge 地震基本烈度basic earthquake intensity 设计烈度design intensity of earthquake 地震震级earthquake magnitude 地震加速度seismic acceleration 疲劳设计fatigue design
桥头回填设计bridge end backfilling design 桥梁平面结构plane structure for bridge 桥梁空间结构space structure for bridge
静定桥梁结构statically determinate bridge structure 超静定桥梁结构statically indeterminate bridge structure 结构体系转换structure system transform
结构完整性structural integrity 安全系数safety factor 冲击系数impact factor 又称“动力系数” 。 荷载系数load factor
膨胀系数coefficient of expansion
构件member, element 又称“杆件” 。 节间panel 梁腹web 又称“腹板” 。 翼缘flange 又称“法兰” 。 加劲杆stiffener 又称“加劲肋” 。 加劲梁stiffening girder 加劲腋haunch 又称“梁腋” 。 托架bracket 俗称“牛腿” 。 结点板gusset plate 又称“节点板” 。 剪力键shear key 横系杆lateral bracing 风嘴wind fairing 伸缩板expansion plate
应力集中stress concentration 应力腐蚀stress corrosion 热应力thermal stress 又称“温差应力” 。 支撑应力bearing stress 组合应力combined stress 容许应力allowable stress 又称“许用应力” 。 极限应力ultimate stress 稳定性stability 刚度rigidity, stiffness
位移displacement 挠度deflection
力矩moment, bending moment 又称“弯矩” 。 剪力shear