ludwig van beethoven1 was one of the greatest musicians in the 19 th century. john lennon2 was one of the greatest musicians in the 20 th century. although there is a period of about 200 years between them, they are quite similar in certain ways.
both men expressed the spirit of their time in their music. beethoven lived in the period of rising capitalism. at that time, people were trying to break the shackles of feudalism3 , and they were pursuing freedom, equality, and universal love. this social trend, especially the french revolution, greatly inspired beethoven. his music was very active, passionate, and vigorous. some of his works praised heroism, some conveyed the love for nature, and some extolled4 harmony among people. similarly, lennon’s music revealed his time. in the 1960s and 1970 s, the youth in america were deeply frustrated by the discrimination and injustice in the society and were longing to build a new one . most of lennon’s songs expressed the ideas of the youth. in one of his songs entitled imagine, he sings,“imagine all the people , living under peace ”, and“the world will be united together as one”. these words show his anti-war attitude and his hope for peace , and reflect the
spirit of the 60s and 70 s.
both men were social rebels to some extent. they refused to bow to social conventions and power. beethoven was a devoted republican . when napoleon5 was in power, who claimed to be a defender of republicanism, beethoven admired him so much that he dedicated his symphony no. 3, the theme of which is heroism, to him. but then napoleon crowned6 himself and became an emperor. beethoven was so angry that he openly declared he took back what he had said about napoleon, regardless of possible persecution. lennon was also considered a trouble-maker by the authorities because of his support for youth movements. for a time he was not even allowed to give public performances. but he ignored all this and stuck to his belief.
one often hears it said that travel broadens the mind: if you stay in your own country the whole time , your ideas remain narrow; whereas if you travel abroad you see new customs, eat new foods, do new things, and come back home with a broader mind.
but does this always — or even usually — happen? an acquaintance2 of mine who lives in england and had never been outside it until last summer, decided to go over3 to france for a trip. when he returned, i asked him how he
liked it.“terrible, ”was his answer.“ i couldn’t get a nice cup of tea anywhere . 4 thank goodness i’m back. ”i asked him whether he hadn’t had any good food while he was there .“oh, the dinners were all right, ”he said.“i found a little place where they made quite good fish and chips. not as good as ours, mind you5, but they were passable. but the breakfasts were terrible: no bacon or kippers. i had fried eggs and chips, but it was quite a 6 business getting them to make them. they expected me to eat rolls. and when i asked for marmalade , they brought strawberry jam. and do you know, they insisted that it was marmalade? the trouble is they don’t know english. ”
i thought it useless to explain that we borrowed the word‘marmalade ’from french, and that it means, in that language, any kind of jam. so i said,“but didn’t you eat any of the famous french food?”“what? me?”he said.“of course not! give me good old english food every time! none of these fancy bits for me! ”obviously travel had not broadened his mind.
this does not, of course, happen only to englishmen in france: all nationalities, in all foreign countries, can be found judging what they see, hear, taste and smell according to their own habits and customs. people who are better educated and who have read a lot about foreign countries tend to be more adaptable7 and tolerant8, but this is because their minds have already been broadened before they start travelling. in fact, it is easier to be broad-minded about foreign habits and customs, if one’s acquaintance with these things is limited to books and films.
the american smiles tolerantly over the absence of central heating in most english homes when he is himself comfortably seated in his armchair in his centrally heated house in chicago; the english man reads about the sanitary arrangements in a certain tropical country, and the inhabitants of the latter read about london fogs, and each side manages to be detached and broad-minded. 9 but actual physical contact with things one is unaccustomed to is much more difficult to bear philosophically.
perhaps the ideal would be if travel could succeed in making people tolerant of the habits and customs of others without abandoning their own. the criterion for judging a foreigner could be: does he try to be polite and considerate to others? instead of: is he like me?
dr. heinrich applebaum recently completed a study on the effects of television on children. in his case, though, he wasn’t concerned1 with violence , but how television gives children a false sense of reality.
dr. applebaum told me,“the greatest danger of television is that it presents a world to children that doesn’t exist, and raises expectations that can never be fulfilled. ” “ i don’t understand, doctor, ”i said. “well, let me cite one example. have you ever seen a television show where a person in an automobile doesn’t
immediately find a parking2 place on the very first try?” “come to think of it, ”i said,“i haven’t. ”
“not only is there always a parking spot available3 but the driver doesn’t even have to back into it. there are two parking spaces available whenever someone in a tv show needs one . children are being led to believe that when they grow up they will always be able to find a parking place when and where they want it. can you imagine the trauma when they discover that in real life you can drive around a block for three hours and still not find a place to put your car?”
“ i never thought of it but it’s true . what else do they show on television which gives a distorted4 picture of the real world?” “have you noticed that whenever a character walks out of a restaurant or office building or apartment and says to the doorman,‘get me a taxi, ’the taxi immediately arrives? millions of children are under the impression5 that all a doorman has to do is blow his whistle and a taxi will be there. i have never seen a show where the doorman has said, ‘ i’m sorry. i can’t get you a taxi. you better take the bus. ’” “of course , ”i said.“i never knew before what bothered me about those tv action programs, but now i do. there is always a yellow taxi waiting off screen. ” “now, ”said applebaum,“ have you ever said to a taxi driver,‘ follow that car and don’t lose him’?”
“not really. ” “well, if you had, the driver would have told you to blow it out your ear. no taxi driver is in a mood to follow another car because that means he ’
s going to get involved.
but on tv every cabdriver looks as if he ’d like nothing better to do than to drive 90 miles an hour through a rain-swept street trying to keep up with a carful of hoods. and the worst thing is that the kids believe it. ”