
英语常用词在商务英语中的不同用法-read by yourself

第4章 英语常用词在商务英语中的不同用法(1)


4.1表示量的概念 (1)可数的“量” few not many a few some 几乎没有 不多 少数几个 一些 small moderate certain large great considerable a number of a great many a lot of/ lots of plenty of 少量的 适当数量的 一定数量的 多种 多种 很多种 大量的 大量的 无穷的

(2)不可数的“量” little not much a little some small moderate certain large great considerable 几乎没有 不多 一点儿 一些 少量 适量 一定量 大量的 大量的 相当数量的 很多的 无穷的 无穷的 a amount of a great deal of a lot of plenty of

4.2表示“有”、“包括”的概念 (1)contain

(2)“由„„组成”的意思,用consist of 表示

我们经营的商品里有本国第一流造纸厂的产品。因此,就你们提出的商品,我们有良好的条件向你们的顾客提供质量最可靠的商品。The commodities we are handling consist of the manufactures of the first-rate paper mills of this country, and so we are in a good position to serve your customers with the most reliable quality of the line you suggest. (3)含有:comprise

所附货单里有我方目前所能供应的这类商品。The enclosed list comprises our present availabilities in this line.

(4)由……组成:be composed of

大会由各会员国政府的代表组成。Conference shall be composed of representatives of the Member Governments.

(5)“由„„组成”,侧重于强调“人为的组成”,译为be made up of。

这家公司在世界各地有十四家子公司。The company is made up of fourteen subcompanies all over the world.

(6)“包括”的意思,译为include, 是“整体中包括部分”的意思。 此报价含有你方2%的佣金。This offer includes your commission of 2%.

这适用于第一至第十项,首尾两项包括在内。This applies to Items 1 to 10 inclusive. (7)“显示”的意思,用show表示。 美国一份最新市场调查显示:大部分的最终使用者并不在乎使用哪一家的声卡,只要能用就好。A recent marked study in the U.S. shows most end users don’t care whose sound card you use so long as it works. (8)there be (9)have

(10)hold 指“有能力容纳”、“有足够的容量” 这房子能住下20人。The house holds 20 people. (11) accommodate 指“舒适地容纳”、“接纳”。 (12)其他译法

我们对这种新产品有很大的兴趣。This new product is of great interest to us.

我们的总经理虽然在公司里有很多的成就,但还是谦虚谨慎。With all his achievements in the company, our general manager remains modest and prudent.


(1)may, it is possible that, possibly, may be

(2)be likely to, will probably, as likely, likely as not (3)be liable to, may unfortunately (4) there is a danger/risk of /that (5) be liable/ be susceptible to


(1)may/will/can bring about, may/will/can give rise to (2)cause


(1)help to/in, assist in (2)facilitate

(3)be conductive to …, be helpful to … (4)make for


4.7容纳、装有:house, accommodate, hold


(1)amend 是“改正,修改”,也常指正式地修正(议案等)。

你们拒绝修改信用证就等于取消订单。Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to cancellation of the order.

(2)modify 是指“更改,修改,修正”。 在这个国家,现行的法律是不公正的;它需要修改。The law, in its present form, is unjust in this country; it needs modification. (3)change

(4)alter 指局部的、外表的变化,但特点不变。

我们想将目的港由伦敦改为利物浦。We’d like to alter the destination port from London to Liverpool.

(5)vary 指不规则或连续地改变。

4.9问题、困难及其解决 (1)problem, difficulties

在销售新产品方面产生了各种问题。Various problems arose/were encountered/ were met with in the sale of new products.


一旦解决我方对发票的质询,我们就会付款。I will pay the invoice when my query on it has been settled.


反倾销问题是中国入世后的关键问题之一。The problem of anti-dumping is one of the key issues after China’s entrance into the WTO.


(1)with regard to…, in regard to, as regards

关于你方5月6日来信,很遗憾我们不能满足你方的要求。With regard to your letter of May 6, we regret we cannot comply with your wishes. (2)as to 至于、关于

至于其他,我一无所知。I don’t know anything as to the others. (3)concerning 关于

(4)in connection with 与……有关。

(5)with reference to…, referring to 关于。



(1)in accordance with, in line with, in agreement with, in the light of, in conformity with, according to

根据你方的要求,我们昨天已将样品寄出。In compliance with your request we sent the samples to you yesterday.

(2)也可以用under, in upon, on, within等介词。

根据本公约规定,在签字时作出的生命,有关政府须在批准、接收或核准时加以确认。 Declaration made under this Convention at the time of signature is subjected to confirmation upon ratification, acceptance or approval. (3)request: as requested 根据要求,兹另邮货号为101和102的样品各一个,以供参考。As requested, we are airmailing to you, under separate cover, a sample each of Art.Nos.101 and 102 for your reference. (4)on the basis of

(5)depend on (6)guided by

2003 年,按照建设小康社会的宏伟目标,中国教育改革和发展各项工作取得了新的进展。 In 2003, guided by the grand objectives of establishing a well-off society, new progresses have been witnessed in educational reform and development in China. (7)动词的非谓语形式。

出口创汇必须根据市场的需要和我国的优势,积极发展有竞争力、见效快、效益高的产业和产品。Bearing in mind the demands of the world market and our own strong points, we should make vigorous efforts to develop export-oriented industries and products that are competitive and can bring quick and high economic returns. 4.12选择



(3)当我们说“否”、“要不然”等概念时,用or, or else, otherwise。 (4)depend



(1)request: as requested, as your request, by request; at one’s request, at the request of; by request on, upon request. (2)demand (3)need

(4)solicit 恳求,用劝说、恳求或正是的申请来追求或获得。

我们请求你方合作,提前装运。We should like to solicit your cooperation to expedite shipment. (5)appeal 请求,呼吁,要求,表示“热切或急切的要求、请求或恳求”。 政府呼吁每个人节约用水。The government is appealing to everyone to save water. (6)call for表示“要求”。

WTO 要求各成员无延迟地向WTO反倾销措施委员会报告所有初步的和最终的反倾销行动,并应每半年提交关于在过去6个月内采取的任何反倾销行动的报告。WTO calls for its Members report without delay to the Committee on Anti-dumping Practices all preliminary or final anti-dumping actions taken and also submit, on a semi-annual basis, reports of any anti dumping actions taken within the preceding six months.

第5章 英语常用词在商务英语中的不同用法(2)



商务英语中表示“实例”的词很多,如example, illustration, instance, case, sample, specimen等,但它们的具体用法不同。 (1)example


重要的是要对你索赔的东西拿出例证。It is always very important to give an illustration of what you claim.

(3)instance 指用来证明某种说法的例子,不一定是典型例子。 (4)case指某一具体事例,多用来指病例或案例。


你们交货的羊毛衫和我厂提供的样品不一致。The woolen sweaters you delivered do no match the sample we provided.

他们采集了各种岩石和矿物的标本。They collected specimens of all kinds of rocks and minerals.



(2)offset, 强调所损失的某物有一个与其相当的新东西来代替。

快速的周转不仅可以弥补你方信用证的损失,而且可以给你方带来可观的利润。The speedy turnover cannot only offset your cost on L/C, but also bring you satisfactory profits. (3)counteract

银行此举是试图抵消目前欧元的强劲之势。The move by the bank is to try to counteract the current strength of the Euro. (4)make up (5)indemnity

公司自会对他们的损失负全部责任及赔偿。The company is the position to indemnify them for the loss. (6)balance (7)bridge


在商务英语中常常用“替代”这一概念。 (1)substitute 替代品,代用品。 (2)replace

(3)supersede 替换,代替。 在许多惯例中,新的灵活的政策已经替代了旧的僵化的政策。In a number of practices, the new flexible policy has superseded the old rigid ones. (4)supplant 取代,代替。 (5)succeed 接替。


在商务英语中,经常要表示剩余的货物或资金等。 (1)remainder

(2)balance 其余的


由于商务文章往往要用来说明某一种商业现象、问题或结果,“比例(率)”是常用的词。 (1)ration


(3)in relation to, for

这座大楼就其用途而言是相当昂贵的。This building is very costly in relation to its usefulness. (4)account for 占(指数量等方面占多少比重)。

原材料生产在国民经济中占相当大的比重。The production of raw materials accounts for a considerable proportion of the national economy.


在汉语里,我们常说“落实计划”、“落实政策”等。“落实”有时类似于“执行”,但翻译时要注意区别。常用的有carry out, decide on, make sure, ascertain, fulfill, put into effect等。


在我们谈到货物的包装时,通常谈及“度量”。度量衡是测量事物“量”的标准。 长度length;宽度width;高度height;厚度thickness;深度depth;面积area 体积volume;容量capacity;重量weight;角度angle;速度speed

5.8采用、利用 (1)adopt (2)apply (3)exploit (利用矿物资源)、utilize (利用机会等)、employ(利用……为……服务)、harness(利用原子能等难以使用或带有危险性的东西)、tame(驯服意义上的利用)。

第6章 英语常用词在商务英语中的不同用法(3)



当表达两个东西相似时,在英语中有多种不同的表达方法,下面分别介绍。 (1)“完全相同”:be exactly the same as…,be identical with… (2)大致相同:roughly the same as,similar to,like。 (3)alike, identical, similar, the same



实验证明这台进口的仪器许多毛病。Tests show that the imported instrument has a number of defects/faults.


这是用来叙述说话这对于某一事物的观点的一种习惯用语。 (1)from…point of view.

(2)in certain respects, features, ways

(3)from the point of view…, with regard to.., in… (4)in+动名词

从效率上看这套新的系统有许多优点。The new system has many advantages in being more efficient.

(5)in that, in so far as, inasmuch as


有关这一组概念可以分下列四个方面说明 (1)要……,遭受……:be subject to

你有利润,就要交税。Your profit will be subject to tax.

(2)以便……,以……为条件,以……为准,以……为有效 估价发票是用来申请进口许可证的,并以我方最后确认为准。This pro forma invoice is for the purpose of applying for import licence and subject to our final confirmation. (3)易于:liable

(4)经历:undergo, suffer


当我们表示某一商品可以买到时,可翻译为:available, suppliable, obtainable等。 (1)available:可得到的,可利用的。

中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。Chinese commodities available for export are varied. (2)suppliable 可以提供的。

(3)obtainable 可得到的,可获得的。 (4)procurable 可得到的,得手的。

如果可以提供一册新的商品目录,我将不胜感激。If a copy of the new catalogue is procurable, I shall be very much obliged to you.


6.6 结余

1)存款的余额通常可以用balance 来表示。

能否把存款余额告诉我?Can you tell me my balance?
