Long long ago, a moving story happened here ,it’s about love ,life, and fun
there was a white snake who was saved by a human boy. Then after 1800 years, she came to the human world with her sister xiaoqing to find her benefactor to return the favor. So snake white and snake green became into human beings through magic power. They came to the earthly paradise ------ Hang Zhou, to get an encounter with her benefactor. (音乐起,千年等一回)齐唱: waiting 1000 years
1000 years for a chance Waiting 1000 years I have no regret Who said this to me That love me forever Only for your words A~I won’t be regretful
Rain heart broke wind is crying Sweety love seems to fall West lake likes my tear
I would like to be fire with you A~
Waiting 1000 years 1000 years for a chance Waiting 1000 years I have no regret
Waiting 1000 years 1000 years for a chance Waiting 1000 years… 1000(音乐,幻化人形) 第一幕:断桥上
(音乐 西湖美景三月天)
青:“Sister, is this the world of human being How beautiful! ” 白:“Be careful, follow me!” (闪电,下雨音乐伴奏)
青:“What a heavy rain!”
白:“Don’t worry, we have an umbrella.” (白素贞撑起一把破伞) 许仙上场,白素贞与许仙相遇…… 许仙: 啊 啊 啊
青: Listen!there are someone who are !look!over handsome he is~~~
白: He seems not only handsome but also full of think I have fall in love with him. Will you help me ,Xiaoqing
青: Well, take this umbrella and I will help you to close to him . 许:“Oh, my god! How beautiful!”
白:“So handsome …Mr.,your clothes is wet, now I have an umbrella, let us share one.”
许:“Oh, thank you, lovely girl. How fine the weather is! Would you like to have a walk with me ” 白:“Ok, let’s go.”
青:“Sister, sister, let’s go together.”
白:“Don’t you see I’m busy Go away!” (小白用力的推开了小青) 小青伤心地跑开了。。。 (跑的姿势要有笑点) 许:“What’s your name” 白:“Su Zhen”
许:“I never saw a girl more beautiful than you, your beauty makes the sky falling down tears, when I saw you, I don’t know what to say… ”
I am so excited that my heart is jumping so have never felt like this think I must be fall in love with you !Oh ,you are my Suzhen! 白:Yes!Yes!Then you are my Xuxian! 许:“Could you marry me” 白:“Yes,I do, Xian gong!” 相公 啊哈娘子 啊哈
青 :Oh!How romantic they ,where are my (音乐 今天你要嫁给我cut版)
证婚人: Now, bride and bridegroom ,please come here and kneel down. M: First, bow to the great heaven and earth! M: Second, bow to the great parents!
M: Bridegroom and bride bow to each other!
I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride. Seal the promises you have made with each other with a kiss.
Now , the ceremony is over. please send the bride to the bridal chamber (洞房). 第二天敬茶
W:“Dad ,please have the tea”
D : “ Thank you ,good kid!” W: “Mom ,please have the tea” M:“ Thank you ,good kid!”
After parents drinking the tea, they will give the bride a red paper containing money as a gift and bless the couple .
“Hope you two have a happy life and enjoy yourself in the 第三幕: 法海收服白素贞
旁白: From then on , snake white ,snake green and XuXian lived a happy life, they often chew the fat ,and burned the candle at both ends .until suddenly one day ,miss green heard that the monk Fahai would come.
白素贞望向窗外皱眉,掐算的手势,小青走过来。。 (音乐 掐算)
青:“Sister, what are you doing here”
白:“. I’m thinking about our future. I forecast that fahai have come here,our happy life will end soon”
青:“Don’t think like that, we will be safe and sound. Oh ,look, the scenery is beautiful ……”
(音乐 得意法海)
法海出现 (身披床单,一手手拿晾衣杆,一手拿圆形饭盒)
法海:“Evil snake! Today, I’ll subdue you! Snake white, you have no chance to escape!” (法海举起了饭盒)
法海看着饭盒说道“too small”然后换脸盆说道“ha-ha,this is big enough!”
青:Buddhist monk,get out here , otherwise,I’ll let you die ugly. 法海:evil snake,let me give you some color to see see! (法海向前伸出脸盆隔空打伤了小青,小青作负伤状,一手扶着桌子半蹲着) 白去扶小青说道:“xiaoqing,are you ok Keep back, don’t come any closer!
小白做出准备打架的姿势, Fahai you don't understand love Leifeng Pagoda will fall down together we will never separate
Fahai you really don't understand love Fahai, why don't you agree our love, you don't want to make us happy? Take one's ease,
sincere love of a lifetime.
You want to follow your truth,
you don't want to listen to us and said:
\" you do not understand love Fahai, Leifeng Pagoda will fall down, we together, never separated,
Fahai you really don't understand love! \" you said,
we can't be together, but you don't know me, one thousand years, I never stop changing, want to be good,
I find my love in the world. 此时许仙入场,看到此景
许仙:oh darling,what happened
法海:Your wife is evil spirit! Let me tame her!
许仙:You are a liar. She is my wife! I won’t let you hurt her! 法海:how stupid!Look, I will tame her now.
(法海举起脸盆收小白,小白渐渐被法海吸走,小白和许仙拉着彼此的手难舍难分) 放背景乐 my heart will go on
许仙:Come on; just give me your hand.
小白:guan ren,I love you forever, don’t forget me….
许仙:niang zi, no! don’t leave me alone! I won’t let you go!! 两人的手还是分开了,小白被法海吸出门外,然后法海进门,拿着脸盆,从脸盆中拿出白纸条笑道
法海:Ha-ha, snake white, you will spend your left time under the leifeng tower!
许仙披上斗篷(床单)开启作战状态 许仙:no!Give my wife back!!! 法海:哼!stupid human!no way!
许仙与法海展开了搏斗(放背景乐男儿当自强(黄飞鸿主题音乐 音乐版)两人抖床单,来回打太极推来推去三回合许仙败(要演的有笑点 配合着音乐))然后法海拿好脸盆走向许仙
法海:阿弥陀佛,color is empty, empty is color. (色即是空 空即是色)Young man, forget it and you can start a new life! (法海拂袖扬长而去) 大家一起登场齐唱: Waiting 1000 years 1000 years for a chance Waiting 1000 years I have no regret Who said this to me That love me forever Only for your words A~I won’t regret that Rain’s heart broke Wind is crying
Sweet love seems to fall
West Lake likes my tear I would like to be fire with you A~ waiting 1000 years 1000 years for a chance Waiting 1000 years I have no regret Waiting 1000 years
1000 years for a chance Waiting 1000 years… 老师咱们就选这个了!!!!!!!