


原因 、因素 cause / element / factor / reason 发展 、进展 development / evolution / expansion

优点 、优势 advantage / pros / benefit / merit / profit / strongpoint / virtue 缺点 、不利 disadvantage / cons / defect / demerit / drawback / weakness 需要 、需求 demand / need / necessity 高频动词的替换

产生 、导致 Arouse / bring about / cause / give rise to / lead to / pose / result in / contribute to

实现 Achieve / realize / come true / fulfill / accomplish / carry out / actualize 获得 Achieve / acquire / attain / collect / obtain / win / be awarded / be offered 支持观点 Agree to (with) / be for / convince / insist / vote for

反对观点 Argue against / be against /combat / disagree to (with) / oppose / be contrast to


重要的 Critical / crucial / essential / meaningful / significant / vital / profound / substantial / indispensible

有益的 Beneficial / helpful / profitable / rewarding /useful /advantageous / positive 有害的 Baneful / evil / devil / harmful / destroying / detrimental / negative

很多的 A great many / a large number of / a mass of / a multitude of / numerous A great amount (deal / sum) of / a magnitude of 高频副词的替换

非常地 especially / exceedingly / extraordinarily/ extremely / greatly/ highly / particularly / quite / remarkably / significantly / so / surprisingly 频繁地 Frequently / often / regularly / continually / repeatedly 几乎不 Barely / hardly / never / rarely / scarcely / seldom

偶尔地 Accidentally / casually / infrequently / irregularly / occasionally / once in a while

汉译英 高频功能词

采纳、采用、采取 adopt/ take/ employ/ resort 参加、参与 attend/ join/ enter/ participate in 成就、成果、建树 achieve/ accomplish

呈现、出现、涌现 present/ appear/ emerge/ assume 承担、承受 bear/ shoulder/ undertake/ assume/endure 刺激、激发 stimulate/ excite/ motivate/ irritate

促进、促使、推动 promote/ advance/ boost/ accelerate/ further/ encourage/ stimulate/urge/ impel/ facilitate

代表 represent/ embody/ denote/ delegate 顶峰 climax/ peak/ summit/ top

对待、对付、应付 treat/ handle/approach/deal/ cope 繁荣、景气 flourish/ prosper/ thrive/ boom 反映 reflect/ embody/ mirror/reveal

改变、变化 change/ alter/ modify/ turn/ convert…


鼓励、激励 encourage/ inspire/ foster/urge/ stimulate 归因于、归咎于 ascribe/attribute/ credit/ owe/ impute 基础 base/ found/ground/ foundation

加强 strengthen/ enhance/ intensify/ reinforce/bolster/ stress

减少、减弱 reduce/ decrease/ cut/ lessen/ lower/ decay/ weaken/drop/ sink/ go down/ dive…

开辟、开创 initiate/ pioneer/ start/ develop/ open/ establish/ found/ explore 看待 look upon/ regard/ think of/ treat/ see 考虑 consider/ think/ weigh/regard/ reflect

扩展、拓展 expand/ extend/spread/ develop/broaden/stretch /exploit 来源于、发源于originate/ stem/ rise/ arise/ derive/ root 利用 Use/ utilize/ exploit/ employ 面对、面向 Face/ confront/ cater

普及、推广Popularize/ generalize/ spread/ prevail

前景、前途Future/ prospect/ perspective/ promise/ outlook

取决于To depend on/ to be conditioned by ///To be determined/ decided/ governed by

To lie on/ upon/ to rest with

实行、实施、实践 Practice/ implement/ execute/ exercise/ enforce/ carry out 适宜、适用于 Suit/ fit/ serve/ apply

特色、特点 Characterize/ feature/ mark

……的特点是……To be characterized/ featured by…

提到、谈到 Mention/ refer/ Talking of…/ When it comes to… 突出 Stress/ highlight/ underline/ feature

突出的 Prominent/ outstanding/ striking/ remarkable/ predominant 出台 Introduce/ launch/ publish 推进 Push/ promote/ drive/ advance

显示、表明 Show/ indicate/ reveal/ suggest/ display/ demonstrate/ exhibit/ manifest/ mean/ imply

形成 Form/ shape/ crystallize

宣传 advertise/ publicize/ promote/ advocate

寻求、追求、谋求 Seek/ explore/ pursue/ search/ quest/ chase

依靠 rely on/ depend on/ rest on/ count on / reckon on/ lean on/ fall back on 针对 Direct/ aim/ point/ orientate /In the light of/ in accordance with/ in connection with/ keep…in mind 主张、提倡、倡导 Advocate/ maintain/ hold/ favour/ suggest/ promote/ encourage/ recommend

专心致志 Absorb/ concentrate/ devote/ dedicate 准备 Prepare/ ready/ intend

阻碍 Hinder/ block/ resist/ hamper

遵守、遵循、遵从Observe/ follow/ conform/ obey


第二章 汉译英

1、英语重直线,汉语重螺旋 2、英语重分析,汉语重综合 3、英语多长句,汉语多短句 4、英语多被动,汉语多主动 5、英语多省略,汉语多补充 6、英语多前重心,汉语多后重心 7、英语多写实,汉语多联想 8、英语多引申,汉语多推理 9、英语重事实,汉语重发散 10、英语多客观,汉语多主观



武汉近几年发生了巨大变化。C. These years have witnessed great changes in Wuhan


•这个操作过程并不危险。This operation is quite free from danger. • 3)避免谓语动词的机械对应

• 你们要搞调查研究。You should do some investigation and study. • 别搞那么多菜了。Don’t make / cook so many dishes. 2、无主语句 • 1)汉语祈使句,英文照译。 • 你的身份证!Your ID card!

• 2)汉语中叙事或论理的无主句,译时补加主语。

• 学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?


• It is not a pleasure after all to practice in due time what one has learnt? It is not a delight after all to have friends come from afar?

• 3)汉语习惯性无主句转换为there be结构,也可采用主谓单句或被动句式。

• 剩下的时间不多了。 • There is very little time left. • 3、流水句


• 不一会,北风小了。路上浮尘早已刮净,剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快。 • Presently the north wind dropped a little. By now the loose dust had all been blown away,

leaving the roadway clean and the rickshaw man quicken his pace.

• 4、主题句

• 主题句前部分叙事或论理,后部分作出总结或评论,翻译时适当调整重心。 • 实现四个现代化,这是我们今后相当长时间的中心工作。

• For a relatively long period ahead, the focus of our work is to realize the four modernizations.

• 5、连动句

• 连动句主要指由一个主语统辖两个或两个以上的谓语动词。 • 1)动词所表述动作同时发生(并列动词),译成并列谓语。 • 刘畅放下杯子站了起来。 • LC put down his glass and stood up.

• 2)动词所表述动作有先后之分,主干+枝节。 • 我到了车站发现火车已经开走了。


• Arriving at the station, I found that the train had left.

• 6、兼语句

• 所谓兼语句,是指谓语有两个动词,主语只拥有其中一个;前一动词的宾语是第二个动


• 我们都劝他戒烟。We all advised him to give up smoking.

• 7、意合句

• • •


桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林。 Guilin’s mountains and waters rank first in China while Yangshuo’s even top those of Guilin.

•8、主次信息句 •需把主要信息句译成完整的句子,把次要信息句译成独立结构,作为伴随的状况或者原因。 •他没有死,他的故事激励了千百万人的心。 •He lives on, his story inspiring the hearts of millions of people.

第三章 英译汉

• 1、重译:

We have to analyze and solve problems.我们要分析问题,解决问题

• 2、增译

• 1)根据意义或修辞上的需要

• Flowers bloom all over the yard.朵朵鲜花满院盛开。(增加表示名词复数的词) • 2)根据句法上的需要 • Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man.

• 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。(增补原文句子中所省略的动词) • 3)抽象名词:增加范畴词。


• ①品质抽象名词

• 品质抽象名词具体化以后,可以指人或事的具体品质、特点特征、状态,翻译时需增加


• We have winked at these irregularities too long.我们对这种越轨行为容忍得太久了。 • ②行为抽象名词

• • • •

The least alarm of their movement would bring the enemy upon them. 只要他们在行动中露出一点惊惶失措的样子,敌人就会向他们猛扑过来。 3、减译:


文中是不言而喻。减译只是删去一些可有可无的累赘,而非删去原文的思想内容。 If you write to him, the response would be absolute silence and void.你写信给他,总是石沉大海。 4、词类转移 It is impossible to live in society and be independent of society.生于社会,不能脱离社会。

• 5、词序调整 • 英汉词句组成和排列的顺序千差万别,重心也与中文不同,因此英译汉时作些调整,颠


• He is not happy, though he is rich.他虽富有,但不幸福。

• 6、正说反译,反说正译 •



•The above facts insist on the following conclusions .上述事实使人们不能不得出以下结论。 •2)否定译肯定 •She won’t go away until you promise to help her .她要等你答应帮助以后才肯走。 •3)双否定译肯定


•There can be no sunshine without shadow. 有阳光就有阴影。



•He is not unequal to the duty.他并非不称职。 • • • •

4)正反移位 I don’t think he will come.我认为他不会来了。 5)译为部分否定

Not all minerals come from mines.并非所有矿物都来自矿山。


•She had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own. •她心地厚道,性格温柔可疼,器量又大,为人又乐观。 • • • • • • •

长句分译规律: 1)一个长句包含作者的多步逻辑推理需分译;

2)当修饰主语的成分,特别是非限制性定语从句过长时需分译; 3)宾语的修饰成分过长需分译; 4)状语过长需分译;





•TEM-8 test is scheduled for November 11th.专八定于光棍节举行。 •2)译成汉语判断句:是……的

•Printing was introduced into Europe from China.印刷术是从中国传入欧洲的。


•The credit system in America was first adopted by Harvard University in 1872.美国的学分制是



•LC had been fired for refusing to obey orders from the NOS.由于拒绝听从新东方的命令,刘畅



